Nd: YAG siv lead ua pas nrig yog siv hauv Laser npav tshuab thiab lwm yam khoom siv laser.
Nws yog tib yam khoom uas tuaj yeem ua haujlwm tsis tu ncua ntawm chav tsev kub, thiab yog qhov ua tau zoo tshaj plaws laser siv lead ua.
Tsis tas li ntawd, YAG (yttrium aluminium garnet) laser tuaj yeem doped nrog chromium thiab neodymium txhawm rau txhim kho qhov nqus cov yam ntxwv ntawm lub laser.The Nd, Cr: YAG laser yog lub xeev cov khoom laser.Chromium ion (Cr3+) muaj qhov dav dav. band;nws absorbs lub zog thiab hloov nws mus rau lub neodymium ions (Nd3 +) los ntawm txoj kev ntawm dipole-dipole interactions.Wavelength ntawm 1064nm yog emitted los ntawm no laser.
Lub laser txiav ntawm Nd:YAG laser yog thawj zaug pom nyob rau hauv Tswb Laboratories nyob rau hauv lub xyoo 1964.The Nd, Cr:YAG laser yog pumped los ntawm lub hnub ci hluav taws xob.By doping nrog chromium, lub zog nqus peev xwm ntawm lub laser yog txhim khu kev qha thiab ultra luv pulses yog emitted.
Basic Properties of Nd:YAG
Khoom npe | Nd: YAG |
Tshuaj Formula | Y3Al5O12 |
Crystal qauv | Kub |
Lattice tas li | 12.01 Nws |
Melting point | 1970 ° C |
kev taw qhia | [111] or [100],nyob rau hauv 5 ° |
Qhov ntom | 4.5g / cm3 |
Reflective Index | 1.82 ib |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient | 7.8 × 10-6 / K |
Thermal conductivity (W / m / K) | 14, 20 ° C / 10.5 ° C, 100 ° C |
Mohs hardness | 8.5 |
Radiative Lub Neej | 550 mus |
Fluorescence tshwm sim | 230 mus |
Linewidth | 0,6nm ua |
Loss Coefficient | 0.003 cm-1 @ 1064nm |
Basic Properties of Nd, Cr:YAG
Laser hom | Khoom |
Pump Source Solar Radiation | Hnub Ci Radiation |
Ua haujlwm wavelength 1.064 µm | 1,064m ;ua |
Cov tshuaj formula Nd3+:Cr3+:Y3Al5O12 | Nd3+:Cr3+:Y3Al5O12 |
Crystal qauv Cubic | Kub |
Melting point 1970 ° C | 1970 ° C |
Hardness 8-8.5 | 8-8.5 |
Thermal conductivity 10-14 W / mK | 10-14 W / mK |
Young's modulus 280 GPa | 280 GPa |
Technical Parameters
Dimension | siab tshaj txoj kab uas hla ntawm dia.40mm |
Nd Dopant Level | 0.0 ~ 2.0 hli |
Txoj kab uas hla Tolerance | ± 0.05 hli |
Ntev Tolerance | ± 0.5 hli |
Perpendicularity | <5′ |
Parallelism | <10″ |
Wavefront distortion | L / 8 |
Flatness | hl/10 |
Nto zoo | 10/5 @ MIL-O-13830A |
Txheej | HR-Coating: R> 99.8% @ 1064nm thiab R<5% @808nm |
AR-Coating (Ib txheej MgF2):R <0.25% ib qhov chaw (@1064nm) | |
Lwm yam HR txheej | Xws li HR @ 1064 / 532 nm, HR @ 946 nm, HR @ 1319 nm thiab lwm yam wavelengths kuj muaj |
Kev puas tsuaj | > 500MW/cm 2 |